3 Month Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet

3 Month Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet

Your diet is probably the most important component in your post-bariatric weight loss journey. It begins with a 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet plan, and continues well after the surgery is over. Your dietary commitment should ideally begin the day you have decided to go ahead with a weight loss surgery.

At your initial appointment, your surgeon and their nutritionist will provide you detailed instructions for a 1200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet. The success of your surgery is contingent upon how diligently you pre bariatric surgery diet guidelines.

What is the pre bariatric surgery diet?

The pre bariatric surgery diet is a low fat, low carb, high protein diet plan that is designed to prepare and adapt your body for a safe and successful weight loss journey. In general, a 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet will limit your calorie intake to 1,200 calories a day. This plan will culminate with a 2-day pre bariatric surgery clear liquid diet just before your scheduled date of procedure.

  • Body adaptation: After years of struggle with obesity, your body is not prepared for a sudden and massive weight loss. The process has to be gradual, so that your body has time to adapt and conform to the metabolic changes. Your 1200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet will get you ready for it.
  • Weight loss: You are going to have a bariatric surgery with an aim to shed excess pounds and eliminate obesity. The sooner this process begins, the better it is. Lower pre-surgery weight also means lower risk of complications. Your pre bariatric diet will help you lose a few pounds even before the surgery.
  • Liver health: Obesity almost invariably leads to a fatty liver. Your stomach is located beneath the liver, so it will get difficult for your surgeon to perform the procedure if the liver is too large. Your pre bariatric surgery diet menu will help to reduce liver fat. Your liver may reduce up to 25% in size before the surgery.

CHECK THIS: Gastric sleeve diet: An ultimate guide on VSG diet

Pre bariatric surgery liquid diet

Liquids will comprise a major part of your 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet. Throughout this phase, you should be conscious about drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. Avoid caffeinated, carbonated, sugary and alcoholic beverages as much as possible, but focus on water, protein shakes, broth, clear soups, sugar-free juices, and gelatins.

Pre bariatric surgery liquid diet – Full liquids

  • Protein shakes
  • Vegetable or fruit juice with fiber
  • Creamed soups
  • Hot cereals
  • Sugar-free yogurt
  • Milk
  • Pudding
  • Custard
  • Sorbet (frozen dessert)

Pre bariatric surgery clear liquid diet – Clear liquids

  • Broth based clear soups
  • Diluted vegetable and fruit juices (without pulp)
  • Unsweetened water
  • Flavored water
  • Low cal, non-carbonated energy drinks
  • Decaf coffee
  • Unsweetened tea
  • Popsicles
  • Sugar-free gelatin

RELATED: Gastric sleeve pre-op diet 

Pre bariatric surgery diet guidelines

Your 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet is not only meant to help you prepare for your forthcoming weight loss journey, but also to train your body and mind for a new, healthier way of eating. Your surgeon or a certified dietician will be able to provide you detailed pre bariatric surgery diet guidelines tailored to your unique needs.

In general, the guidelines will cover the following aspects of your eating plan.

  • Reduce or eliminate the intake of processed, fried, fatty, oily and other saturated fat rich foods
  • Minimize the consumption of high-carb foods, such as bread, pasta, potatoes and sweetened desserts
  • Increase the amount of lean proteins in your daily pre bariatric surgery diet plan
  • Focus more on nutrient-packed foods such as veggies, fruits, fish, chicken, and beans
  • Limit your meal portions
  • Eat slowly, take small bites, and chew well
  • Avoid empty calorie foods and beverages
  • Do not smoke and cut down on alcohol
  • Intensify your diet control gradually so that it peaks by the time of your bariatric surgery 2 week pre op diet
  • Avoid drinking water or beverages during meals or 30 minutes before and after the meal
  • Take your multivitamins and other supplements as directed by your surgeon

Pre bariatric surgery diet menu and meal plan

Pre bariatric surgery diet menu and meal plan

To help you comply with your 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet, your nutritionist can create a well-defined menu and meal plan that is customized to your taste and health requirements. When you have a ready pre bariatric surgery diet menu before you, it will ensure you eat measured portions and yet meet your daily nutrition and calorie requirements. You may also ask for a few delicious pre bariatric surgery diet recipes from your dietitian.

1200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet menu – Sample meal plan


  • ½ cup of hot oatmeal
  • 2 egg whites
  • Protein shake (35g protein) – chocolate or vanilla


  • Sugar-free, Greek yogurt – 6 oz
  • 4 walnuts


  • Grilled chicken – 4 oz
  • Cooked veggies – 1 cup
  • Whole wheat tortilla – 6 inch


  • Salad with dressing – 1 cup
  • Cottage cheese – ½ cup


  • Lean turkey – 2 oz
  • Small apple – 1
  • Sweet potato with skin – ½


  • Fresh strawberries – ½ cup
  • Protein powder with milk – 4 oz

RELATED: Gastric sleeve meal size plan

1200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet

Your goal during your 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet should be to emphasize more on lean proteins, protein shakes, and easy-to-digest foods that are low on calories and high on nutrients. Proteins will strengthen your muscle mass so that your body becomes more resilient to sustain the weight loss surgery and recovers faster after the surgery.

Your nutritionist will help you craft a personalized 1,200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet plan to get you ready for a safe and successful procedure.

Carbohydrates in a 1,200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet

  • Carbohydrates will give you the energy to remain fit and active
  • You can have about 6 to 8 servings of carbs per day
  • Eat the carbs in your plate after you have finished the proteins
  • Break down your daily carb intake into 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks
  • Choose healthy carbs, such as whole wheat products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and milk in your pre bariatric diet

Proteins in a 1200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet

• Proteins are the building blocks that give you a robust body
• Include at least 65 to 80 g of proteins in your pre bariatric diet
• Eat the proteins first in your plate at every meal before other foods
• Flavored protein shakes are an easy way to maintain daily intake
• Focus on lean protein foods, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, poultry, cottage cheese, tofu, beans, lentils, and nuts

6 month pre bariatric surgery diet

If you are contemplating a weight loss surgery, you can start working on your diet and fitness even before you have your first consultation with a surgeon. The earlier you begin, the greater will be your pay off in terms of an excellent outcome after your surgery. You may talk to a registered nutritionist to help you get started with a 6 month pre bariatric surgery diet.

Here are 10 useful tips for your pre op diet plan.

  • Start practicing meal portion control
  • Choose foods that are easy to chew and digest
  • Cut food into tiny bites and chew it thoroughly before swallowing
  • Focus on eating while you are having a meal and enjoy each bite
  • Eat at pre-determined intervals and avoid snacking and grazing
  • Increase lean proteins in your 6 month pre bariatric surgery diet
  • Start limiting the intake of solid foods and focus more on pureed diet
  • Start minimizing added fats, oils, and salt in your food
  • Follow tasty pre bariatric surgery diet recipes to improve compliance
  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, and don’t mistake thirst for hunger

3 month pre bariatric surgery diet

How scientifically balanced is your 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet plan and how diligently you follow it will set the tone for your forthcoming weight loss surgery. Make wise food choices in consultation with your surgeon or dietitian and maintain a daily journal for your 1,200 calorie pre bariatric surgery diet for 3 months. Include a good mix of lean proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and fruits and vegetables in your diet.

As far as possible, keep limiting or avoiding the intake of the following food and drinks in your 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet for best results: full fat meats, fried and processed foods, full fat dairy products, sugary desserts, baked foods, alcohol, sodas and other carbonated drinks, caffeinated beverages, sugary sauces and marinades, snacks such as chips, cookies, bagels, croissants, and full-fat salad dressings.

Gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve is a less invasive form of weight loss surgery that involves partial removal of the stomach tissue. However, in this procedure the basic digestive system and intestinal function remains undisturbed. Therefore, your focus during your 3 month pre op gastric sleeve diet should be more on lean proteins, such as poultry, lean cuts of meat and beef, and baked fish as well as dairy products, such as low fat cheese, yogurt and milk.

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass is relatively more complex than a VSG procedure because it not only involves stomach volume reduction, but also reroutes the small intestine to reduce calorie and nutrient absorption. It is best to pay more attention to nutrients in your 3 month pre op gastric bypass diet as well as take your supplements on time. Eat two to five servings of veggies and fruits every day to boost your intake of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

SEE THIS: Gastric bypass diet

Bariatric surgery 2 week pre op diet

The most crucial phase of preparation for your weight loss procedure is the bariatric surgery 2 week pre op diet. The diet will progressively move more towards pureed foods and thick liquids, and finally conclude with a stringent pre bariatric surgery clear liquid diet for at least two days before the scheduled surgery.

Some of the key highlights of your bariatric surgery 2 week pre op diet will include:

  • Stop eating all types of solid foods two weeks ahead of surgery
  • In the penultimate week, focus on pureed or soft foods
  • In the final week prior to surgery, move to thick liquids
  • In the last two days, stick to a pre bariatric surgery clear liquid diet
  • Choose powdered protein or ready-to-drink flavored protein shakes
  • Avoid liquids that contain carbonation or caffeine
  • Limit yourself to just one 8 oz decaf coffee or decaf tea a day
  • Drink at least 64 oz of water every day to stay well-hydrated
  • Consult a dietitian for 2 week pre bariatric surgery diet recipes

CHECK THIS: Preparing for gastric sleeve surgery: A step-by-step guide

Bariatric surgery pre op diet cheating

When you embark on your 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet program, you should remember that you haven’t yet had the surgery. Therefore, it is going to require more will-power and commitment to follow the dietary guidelines. But this is also the time to remember that frequent bariatric surgery pre op diet cheating will set you up for a false start, and your schedule procedure may have to be delayed.

Once in a rare while, it is acceptable to indulge yourself and deviate from the prescribed daily pre bariatric surgery menu plan. However, if you believe that you are getting trapped in a bariatric surgery pre op diet cheating cycle, you must inform your surgeon as soon as possible. Their nutrition specialist team will work closely with you to help you stay on course and be all set for a safe weight loss surgery.

Ready to start your pre operative diet?

Has your surgeon approved you as a candidate for weight loss surgery? If yes, then it is time to get all your energies focused on a comprehensive 3 month pre bariatric surgery diet. Remember the golden lines: “Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain; but you can’t get a rainbow without a little rain.” So, prepare yourself for a dedicated pre operative diet program and get ready to achieve a lifetime of health and happiness with a successful bariatric surgery.

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