Preparing For Gastric Sleeve Surgery: A Step-By-Step Guide

Preparing for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Preparing for gastric sleeve is a vital part of your gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. From your diet before gastric sleeve to lifestyle changes, exercise, and medications adjustment, the preparation will involve multiple steps.

Hence, today, we are going to share a quick guide for all those who are preparing for gastric sleeve surgery.

Success of your procedure will significantly depend on how well you follow your surgeon’s instructions right up to the day before gastric sleeve surgery and post-recovery.

Want to know if you are a good candidate for gastric sleeve or not? Call Jet Medical Tourism® today to set up a free bariatric surgery consultation.


Who is a good candidate for gastric sleeve?

If your BMI is 40 or higher, you could be a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery. But even if your BMI falls between 30 and 39, you may qualify for this procedure if you suffer from additional conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea.

BMI for Gastric Sleeve

Ideal candidates will also diligently follow the surgeon’s guidelines about the diet before gastric sleeve surgery. To know if you qualify for this procedure, we invite you for a free consultation with one of our experienced Mexico bariatric surgeons. 

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Preparation for gastric sleeve

Well-prepared candidates who are committed to following the solid and liquid diet before gastric sleeve surgery as directed by the surgeon can expect to achieve the best weight loss results.

Quit smoking

Why to Quit Smoking for Gastric Sleeve

One of the key steps before gastric sleeve surgery for smokers is that they must discontinue all use of tobacco in any form at least for a time period as specified by the surgeon. This will help minimize the risk of surgery and eliminate the possibility of nicotine interfering with the oxygen in your bloodstream.

ALSO READ: Should I stop smoking before bariatric surgery?

Medications to stop

In addition to your diet plan before gastric sleeve surgery, you will also be required to adjust your medication schedule for a few weeks.

The surgeon may advise you to stop using blood thinning drugs such as aspirin, NSAIDs, vitamin E supplements, and herbal medications for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. This will cut down the risk of bleeding during surgery.

Gastric sleeve pre op diet

Gastric Sleeve Patient Preparing for SurgeryEating before gastric sleeve surgery should be according to a systematic diet plan as recommended by your nutritionist or weight loss surgeon.

For at least a month prior to the procedure, you will be required to minimize the intake of fatty and sugary foods, while increasing your daily consumption of proteins and fresh veggies and fruit.

Some medical professionals advise that patients should go on a liquid diet before gastric sleeve surgery for at least a few days. Eliminate carbonated and caffeinated beverages from your diet, but drink plenty of water to stay well-hydrated prior to the procedure.



A month before gastric sleeve surgery

It is important to remember that treatment in case of sleeve gastrectomy does not begin or end with the surgery. At least a month before your procedure, you should start focusing on healthy lifestyle modifications.

Apart from following a balanced solid and liquid diet before gastric sleeve surgery, you should also perform regular physical exercises, get adequate sleep, stop smoking, and minimize alcohol intake for at least a month or more.

A week before gastric sleeve surgery

With just a week left for your gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico, make sure that all your travel papers, medical documents, essential medications, and other things are ready.

If the surgeon has advised any lab tests, get them done in time and keep the reports with you. Get more conscious at this stage about following your planned pre diet before gastric sleeve surgery.

A day before gastric sleeve surgery

Follow a liquid diet a day before gastric sleeve surgery, and do not eat or drink anything for at least eight hours prior to the schedule time of the procedure. Obtain adequate rest by getting to sleep early the night before your gastric sleeve surgery.

On the day of gastric sleeve surgery

Wear loose clothes with front buttons on your way to the surgery center. Avoid wearing any jewelry, contact lenses, or other accessories. Take your prescription medications, if any, as suggested by the surgeon. Preferably, have someone accompany you to the hospital to assist you with the paperwork and other formalities.

Gastric Sleeve Before and After

Diet after gastric sleeve

You will be required to follow an elaborate diet plan for a few weeks after your surgery. Check this link to learn about the post-op dietary guidelines.

MUST READ: How to Avoid Gastric Sleeve Failures

Plan for gastric sleeve success today!

Jet Medical Tourism® has on board some of the most reputable and experienced gastric sleeve surgeons in Tijuana, Cancun, Nuevo Laredo, Juarez, and other parts of Mexico. Call us now to schedule an appointment with our experts. You can also check gastric sleeve before and after photos before calling us.

Ready to prepare for gastric sleeve surgery?


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