Gastric Bypass Pros And Cons

Gastric bypass pros and cons

What is gastric bypass

Learning more about gastric bypass pros and cons can help you make a more informed decision if the gastric bypass is your best surgical option. Each bariatric surgery has its own pros and cons. The more you understand about the gastric bypass procedure, the better off you’ll be.

Gastric bypass surgery is a type of bariatric surgery designed to induce weight loss in obese patients. The bariatric surgeon will make changes the patient’s stomach and small intestine in order to restrict their food intake capacity. 

It will also produce healthy changes in gut hormones, which will help the patient feel fuller for a longer period of time and decrease their appetite. While discussing with your weight loss surgeon about what is gastric bypass, you should also clearly ask about gastric bypass pros and cons in order to make an informed decision. 

Jet Medical Tourism® has top gastric bypass surgeons on board who can explain to you the pros and cons of gastric bypass surgery. Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

Gastric bypass surgery: risks and complications

Gastric bypass side effects may include minor post-operative discomfort and swelling in the incision sites. These will resolve within a few days with prescription pain medications. While serious gastric bypass complications are rare, patients should have a clear idea about them before the surgery. 

Gastric Bypass for Obese People

Short-term gastric bypass risks may include: 

  • Infection
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Breathing obstruction
  • Gastrointestinal leakage
  • Poor anesthesia reaction 


Gastric bypass long term complications may include:

  • Gallstones
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Hernia 
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Malnutrition
  • Ulcers
  • Stomach perforation

The risk of gastric bypass complications years later as well as in the short-term is minimized when the patient chooses a highly skilled and experienced bariatric surgeon.

RELATED POST: Best Bariatric Surgeons in Mexico (2020)

Pros of gastric bypass

What is Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass pros include:

  • Rapid and substantial weight loss (average 70 percent excess weight loss)
  • Sustainable, long-lasting weight loss results  
  • Effective resolution of obesity-related medical problems 


Positive changes in food preferences after gastric bypass include: 

  • Reduced craving for foods with high sugar and fat 
  • More self-control over eating carbohydrates
  • Lower tolerance for meat, dairy, and sweets 


Health benefits of gastric bypass surgery include: 

  • Resolution or long-term remission of type 2 diabetes
  • Improved heart health 
  • Elimination of OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)
  • Higher fertility
  • Alleviation of metabolic syndrome, gallbladder disease, and pregnancy complications, among other health benefits 

With a high incidence of obesity and its related medical complications, gastric bypass surgery has emerged as a powerful technique to help patients restore a healthy body weight and sustained relief from multiple diseases. 

gastric bypass for weight loss

Cons of gastric bypass

Why gastric bypass surgery offers numerous benefits, some of the potential gastric bypass cons include: 

RELATED READ: Gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass

  • Patients cannot use NSAIDs such as aspirin for a few weeks after the surgery for pain relief. 
  • Risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies may increase if the patient fails to take vitamins, minerals, and calcium supplements after the surgery as directed by the doctor. 

Clearly, when it comes to gastric bypass pros and cons, the pros will outweigh the cons by far for most patients. 

YOU MIGHT WANT TO READ: Gastric bypass surgery cost in Mexico

Gastric bypass success rate

Gastric bypass success rate is very high as long as the procedure is performed by a board certified or another well-qualified weight loss surgeon. At the same time, the long-term success will depend on the patient’s commitment to maintain a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. 

Most patients will be able to achieve excess weight loss of about 60 to 80 percent, and maintain at least 50 percent excess weight loss in the long run. If the patient maintains or exceeds these averages, their gastric bypass surgery is considered to be in medical terms a success. 

READ ALSO: Bariatric surgery patient stories** OR Gastric bypass before and after pictures

Do I qualify for gastric bypass?

To know whether you qualify for gastric bypass or another type of bariatric surgery, we invite you for a free consultation with one of our experienced weight loss surgeons. Contact us at Jet Medical Tourism® today to learn more.

Apply for Gastric Bypass Surgery

Other useful resources on gastric bypass surgery

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