Bulbous Nose Job Rhinoplasty

Bulbous Nose Job Rhinoplasty

The nose is a centrally located, strategic facial feature that significantly contributes to the facial balance and symmetry. Men and women who are bothered by their nose appearance often want to know what is a bulbous nose and how can it be corrected. A bulbous nose rhinoplasty is an advanced plastic surgery technique to refine the nose tip, improve the nose definition and proportion, and enhance overall facial harmony.

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Bulbous nose causes

While you are considering a bulbous tip rhinoplasty, it’s vital to determine the underlying bulbous nose causes. Based on the specific diagnosis, your plastic surgeon will create a custom plan for your bulbous nose reduction surgery. In general, the following bulbous nose causes should be evaluated during your initial consultation.

  • Family history: A bulbous nose tip often runs in the family. Make sure to inform your surgeon if you have a genetic history of a rounded and enlarged nasal tip. Men are more likely to have this facial characteristic.
  • Ethnic background: People of African American descent may be born with a wide or bulbous nose tip, and may develop thick overlying skin. A black bulbous nose job in teenage or adulthood can correct this condition.
  • Misshapen cartilage: The nose cartilages that support and forms the nasal tip may sometimes be excessively wide, too convex, or have “springiness” in them. An open or closed nose job for bulbous nose can reshape the tip.
  • Medical condition: One of the known bulbous nose causes is a skin disorder called rhiniophyma. This may occur when rosacea, a chronic skin inflammation, is left untreated. Bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty can correct it.

How to get rid of bulbous nose

A bulbous nose rhinoplasty is an established cosmetic surgery procedure to reduce a prominent tip and help your nose complement the chin and other facial features. During your pre-op consultation, your surgeon will discuss the best surgical options on how to get rid of bulbous nose. Here are two primary techniques to perform a bulbous nose job.

Closed rhinoplasty

If you require a relatively minor bulbous nose reduction, your surgeon may recommend a closed rhinoplasty. In this procedure, the incisions are created inside the nostrils, so you will have no external scarring. However, you should choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon for bulbous nose correction when considering a less invasive, but more intricate closed technique.

Open rhinoplasty

When you need more advanced nasal tip refinement, you may require an open rhinoplasty. The open technique allows greater access to the surgeon because the incision is placed across the columella between your nostrils. A significant tip reshaping and cartilage removal can be performed as part of your bulbous nose job using the open technique.

What is a bulbous nose job?

bulbous tip rhinoplasty

A bulbous nose rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure to reshape a wider or thicker nasal tip to create a sharper and more attractive tip. Based on your nose and facial anatomy and your personal cosmetic goals, your surgeon will create a customized surgical plan for how to get rid of bulbous nose. Here are two key techniques your surgeon may use in this procedure.

Cartilage reduction and reshaping

In many cases, the bulbous nasal tip occurs due to excessive presence of the cartilage. Using an open or closed incision technique, your surgeon will remove the excessive cartilage to reduce the size of your tip. Thereafter, they will reshape the remaining cartilage to reduce its roundness and make it sharper as you want.

Suturing technique for a chiseled tip

A bulbous tip rhinoplasty may involve advanced suturing techniques that are designed to chisel and refine your nose tip to the desired degree. These are internal sutures that can produce a natural looking outcome provided the suturing is performed skillfully. Cartilage reshaping and suturing is proven two-step procedure for a successful bulbous nose job.

Wide bulbous nose rhinoplasty

Sometimes the nose may be wide shaped while the nasal tip is also bulbous. This condition can be corrected with a wide bulbous nose rhinoplasty. The bulbosity of the nose occurs because of the excessively large and poorly defined cartilage. The wide shape of the nose is usually a structural anomaly, which is present because of a disproportionately wide nasal bone. These are some of the key highlights of a wide bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty.

  • Cartilage modification or reduction may be performed to make the nasal tip structure more defined and pointed.
  • If the overlying thick skin is causing the bulbous nose, skin tissue reduction may be performed surgically or through laser technique.
  • Specialized internal tissue suturing techniques may be used to sharpen the tip and add more refinement to it.
  • If the overall nasal bone structure is wide, a lateral or medial osteotomy may be performed to create a shapely nose bridge.
  • A wide bulbous nose rhinoplasty to create a narrower nose bridge with a refined tip can dramatically enhance your facial appearance.

RELATED: Wide nose rhinoplasty: Everything you need to know

Black bulbous nose job

The African American nose is usually marked by wide nostrils and a flat, round and bulbous nose tip. The nose skin is usually thicker and the dorsum is somewhat flat, which also makes the nose appear less defined. A black bulbous nose job is an ethnic plastic surgery procedure to create a more proportionate and aesthetically appealing nose. Some of the salient features of a black bulbous rhinoplasty are listed as follows.

  • The bulbous nose tip with thick skin tissue can be refined using cartilage reshaping and suturing of the tip to improve definition.
  • If a septoplasty is performed, the cartilage grafts obtained from the septum can be used to make the nasal tip more refined.
  • An ethnic rhinoplasty surgeon may tighten the musculature and reduce subcutaneous fat around the tip to add definition.
  • If the nostril base width is greater than 2 mm, an alar base resection may be performed as part of a black bulbous nose job.
  • Nose tip projection for African American patients may be combined with a graft to add more height and prominence to the dorsum.

Bulbous tip rhinoplasty cost

The average bulbous tip rhinoplasty cost may be as high as $15,000 in parts of the US and Canada, while you can have the same procedure performed in Mexico for less than $6,000. It’s notable that the bulbous nose rhinoplasty cost can vary from one patient to another based on factors such as the complexity of the surgery and the choice of the surgeon and hospital. In Mexico, your bulbous nose job cost package may include the following.

  • The plastic surgeon’s fee
  • Fee of any other attending physicians and nursing staff
  • Anesthesia costs, if general anesthesia is used
  • Surgical room charges
  • One night stay at the hospital, if required
  • Pre- and post-op x-rays and blood work
  • Prescription meds for one week
  • Pre- and post-op nose job consultations
  • Ground transportation to and from the airport

READ THIS: How much is a nose job, rhinoplasty?

Bulbous nose rhinoplasty men

When you ask your surgeon what is a bulbous nose tip, they will explain that this condition is seen much more commonly in men than women. While males in any age group may develop this condition or it may be present by birth, males between the age of 30 and 65 most commonly seek a bulbous nose rhinoplasty men plastic surgery.

  • Ethnic descent: Males from all over the world seek a bulbous nose job men surgery, but it the condition is more predominantly seen among men of African American descent.
  • Characteristics: Round, wide, and bulbous nasal tip, undermined nose bridge, flared nostrils, and a wide base nose are the typical characteristics of patients seeking bulbous nose rhinoplasty men surgery.
  • Facial balance: A male rhinoplasty for bulbous nose will be designed to blend in with and complement the chin, mid-face, eyes, forehead, and other facial features for enhanced facial balance.
  • Surgical technique: Male bulbous nose reduction techniques include open rhinoplasty as well as closed rhinoplasty. In addition to eliminating the tip bulbosity, the procedure will also improve facial symmetry.

Best rhinoplasty surgeon for bulbous nose

A bulbous nose job is an intricate procedure that should only be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. Even the slightest change to the nose can have a magnified impact on your facial balance and overall look. While choosing the best rhinoplasty surgeon for bulbous nose, you should look for the following attributes.

  • The surgeon should be trained and experienced in plastic surgery procedures, and should not be only a general surgeon.
  • They should have specific experience in performing facial plastic surgeries, including nose reshaping surgery.
  • They should have a demonstrable track record shown through patient testimonials and bulbous nose job before and after photos.
  • The surgeon should be well-versed in perform both open and closed rhinoplasty and should present all surgical options before you.
  • They should have the ability to tailor your procedure according to your unique needs and offer a customized surgical plan.
  • The best rhinoplasty surgeon for bulbous nose will be transparent, attentive, responsive, and have an excellent bedside manner.

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Bulbous nose job before and after

Bulbous Nose Job Before and After

It is natural to have concerns or hesitancy when you are considering a major plastic surgery procedure for your face. A dedicated plastic surgeon will educate you about the bulbous nose tip rhinoplasty and answer all your questions and concerns in a reassuring way. They may also present before you bulbous nose rhinoplasty before and after images of past patients.

These pictures serve as a reliable visual tool to understand what this nose surgery can or cannot do for you. It will help you form realistic expectations and make an objective decision. A bulbous nose tip after rhinoplasty will turn into a sharp, refined, and proportional feature of your nose. Before and after pictures provide the best way to reassure you of these expected results.

CHECK THIS: Nose job before and after pictures

Bulbous nose tip after rhinoplasty

The first concern most patients have is how their bulbous nose tip after rhinoplasty will change, and whether the results will be attractive and natural looking. As long as you work with the best rhinoplasty surgeon for bulbous nose correction, you can expect an excellent outcome. Here are some of the important benefits of this surgery.

  • Elimination of bulbosity: A bulbous nose tip after rhinoplasty will transform into a chiseled and sharply defined feature that will become the highlight of your nose.
  • Improved proportion: Even a small amount of bulbous nose reduction will make a substantial impact on how your nose balances with various other facial features.
  • Aesthetic appeal: A nose job for bulbous nose will enhance your overall facial aesthetic appeal by drawing attention to other facial areas and how well the nose complements them.
  • Self-confidence: If you have been feeling self-conscious due to a wide, flat, or bulbous nose tip, you can expect a marked improvement in your confidence levels after a bulbous nose job.

Choose bulbous nose job in Mexico and save big

A bulbous nose rhinoplasty in Mexico can save you up to 70% in costs when compared to the costs in the US or Canada. You can afford to work with the best in class plastic surgeons in Mexico and choose a full-service hospital with top-rated credentials. With Mexico as your destination for a bulbous nose job, you don’t have to settle for anything less than the very best. To learn more, call a dedicated medical tourism provider today.

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