Bariatric Surgery Readiness Checklist

Bariatric Surgery Readiness Checklist

Roughly two out of three U.S. adults struggle with obesity and the health conditions it exacerbates like diabetes, mobility issues, and cardiovascular disease. For those who have not found success through diet, exercise and medication alone, weight loss surgery can provide a lasting solution for shedding pounds. Procedures like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass have proven records helping individuals achieve substantial and sustainable weight loss results.

Yet for many, the out-of-pocket costs even with insurance coverage remain out of reach, especially given pre-surgery programs and aftercare requirements. This is where pursuing safe, high-quality weight loss surgery in Mexico with attentive, experienced medical tourism providers like Jet Medical Tourism can make transformation possible, financially and physically!

Our all-inclusive bariatric surgery packages provide incredible value without sacrificing personalized support. However, to ensure our clients are primed for the best surgical experiences and outcomes, we mandate they complete a thorough pre-operation checklist covering medical, mental, social and financial readiness. Skipping any preparation step could negatively impact results or recovery!

Use our exhaustive readiness guide below before booking your surgery to confirm you meet all clearance criteria and are equipped to undergo bariatric surgery in Mexico successfully:

Medical Health Evaluations

  • Meet with a bariatric surgeon to review qualification criteria based on BMI and medical necessity. Currently, candidates must have a BMI of 40+ or 35+ with complicating conditions like diabetes or heart disease. Those with untreated cardiopulmonary issues, severe coagulation disorders and other contraindicated conditions may not be approved either.
  • Undergo required diagnostic tests to identify any physical limitations and assess surgical risks. Bloodwork, EKGs, chest X-rays, sleep apnea screenings, lung function tests and more may be performed.
  • Have your primary care doctor ensure any health conditions you have, especially issues like hypertension or asthma, are optimized with medications BEFORE surgery dates get scheduled. Stopping smoking is also often mandatory.
  • Attend dietary evaluation appointments for 2-6 months pre-op depending on insurance requirements. Following given diet plans demonstrates you can stick to serious changes.

Mental Health Clearance

  • Participate in mandatory psychiatric evaluation to address any underlying emotional issues or unrealistic expectations that could negatively impact success post-op. Identify healthy motivations.
  • Join in-person or online bariatric surgery support groups to establish relationships. Lean on others who share the experience.
  • Make sure therapists or counselors give the green light asserting your mental readiness. You must be equipped to handle big transitions.

Establishing Your Support Network

  • Figure out caregiving needs several weeks post-op for tasks like grocery shopping, household chores, hygiene assistance etc. Make family members part of the process. Being alone can jeopardize safety and recovery.
  • Talk to employers about taking at least 1-2 weeks off work with more if you have a labor-intensive job. You’ll have lifting and movement limitations after surgery.
  • Pre-shop for bariatric-friendly soft protein rich foods like yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese you can safely eat during the 4-6 week post-op diet progression to purees then solids. Stock up on recommended vitamins too.

Insurance Verification & Finances

  • Confirm your provider covers obesity surgery now since requirements can vary year to year. Both in-network hospitals and surgeons need to be approved or you may incur large bills. Your program may mandate 6 month physician supervised dieting.
  • Get cost estimates for prescriptions, specialists not in your plan like nutritionists, transportation to frequent appointments, potential protein shake requirements etc. Budget for both pre-op and aftercare phases. You don’t want financial stress hindering your progress!

Read: Weight Loss Surgery Insurance

Countdown Mode: 4 Weeks To Surgery Date

  • Start the lean protein, lots of veggies pre-op diet your surgeon recommended to shrink liver size making surgery simpler and safer. Stick closely to the meal plan!
  • Quit smoking immediately and avoid secondhand smoke. Healing from incisions will be compromised otherwise.
  • Stop taking blood thinner medications like aspirin under medical guidance. Bleeding risks during surgery typically need to be minimized.
  • Take iron supplements leading up to your procedure date as anemia is common after bariatric surgeries.

1 Week Prior: Final Touches as Surgery Looms

  • Refresh household cleaning, laundry etc so chores are done when you get home recovering.
  • Purchase any recommended post-op recovery tools – grabber arm, pillows, moist wipes, loose clothing options.
  • Confirm your surgery arrival time, fasting protocols, medication stops/restarts, and companion requirements so everything is clear. Attend any last minute consults.
  • Start to mentally prepare through journaling, meditations, calming activities. Envision your goals!

Jet Medical Tourism cares deeply about client safety, care and transparency. We handle every travel detail seamlessly and walk you through prerequisites so you can focus on rest, recuperation and your ultimate life-changing goals after surgery. Our renowned bariatric surgeons have changed thousands of lives for the better.

If you have completed every recommended medical, mental, physical and administrative pre-op step on our checklist fully, you can proceed confidently on booking an affordable weight loss surgery package with Jet Medical Tourism. Still have preparation boxes left unchecked? Our patient coordinators guide you supportively to become unequivocally ready for the first exciting chapter of your transformation journey!

Ready to say goodbye to the challenges of obesity?

Tired of struggling with obesity? Jet Medical Tourism offers affordable, world-class weight loss surgery to help you transform your life.

Our experienced bariatric surgeons provide expert care through every step of this life-changing process. Contact us now to start your weight loss journey!

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