Weight Lifting After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Weight Lifting After Gastric Sleeve SurgeryGastric sleeve surgery is a beneficial option for those who are obese and have been unsuccessful in their attempts at losing their excess weight.

It requires a lifelong commitment to an extremely calorie restricted diet of whole, nutritious foods. But along with the focus on food, losing weight and keep it off, demands discipline regarding physical fitness.

Not only will you have lost fat through gastric sleeve surgery, but you will also have lost muscle mass because of reduced movement in recovery time and because of you may not be incorporating the right foods into your limited diet. 

Why You Must Train After Bariatric Surgery

Building muscle may feel difficult for some gastric sleeve patients who are just coming out of surgery, since the dramatic reduction in calories may leave them feeling weak and even malnourished. But muscle loss is one of the problems with losing weight quickly, and it’s important to retain muscle not only to look good but to keep your systems in better balance.

The more muscle mass you have, the better your metabolism will be to keep burning fat. It will help your skin become toned and, most importantly, will assist you with balance and mobility, and thus reduce the possibility of injury.

Some patients also experience significant pain in their lower back or joints because of the pressure that used to be placed on these areas from excess weight. You need to train to lower the pain your body feels.

How to build muscle and do weight lifting after gastric sleeve

You will need to wait until you recover from surgery to start on an exercise program, and typically the surgeon will recommend about six weeks for recovery and adjustment to your new diet.

It’s essential that you begin with a gentle training regimen in order to prevent injury, but also to ease into an exercise program that you enjoy and can maintain. If you strain or exhaust yourself, you are less likely to keep exercising!

Exercise will also help you to stay in balance mentally. Choose moderately challenging activities that you enjoy and ensure that you get a healthy balance of cardio, stretching, and resistance or strength training. Try activities like yoga or gentle, even aquatic, aerobics; both have small controlled movements that are easy on your new body but require strength.

Make sure you rest for one or two days in between exercise sessions, especially when you’re just starting out.

It’s also crucial that you find lean protein sources to incorporate into your diet on a regular basis, including low-fat dairy, protein shakes, eggs, beans, and lean meat. A high-protein diet will help you to maintain your muscle mass.

Other things you can do to ensure that you retain and build muscle after gastric sleeve surgery include following your diet regime strictly, drinking plenty of water, getting adequate sleep, and watching your stress levels.

Gastric sleeve surgery will result in dramatic weight loss for patients, which can cause both mental and physical strain because aspects of your lifestyle are not in balance. Ensuring that your body is in top shape via strength training, exercise, and a high-protein diet, as well as incorporating relaxation routines like meditation, will be a significant help to you during this time of transition.

Book Your Gastric Sleeve at Jet Medical Tourism

If you would like to learn more about Gastric Sleeve in Mexico, please contact our bariatric surgery center today. Our expert weight loss surgeons are more than happy to answer all questions that you may have about the gastric sleeve procedure.

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